Tutoring for kids

What age should you start tutoring?

Kids vary in age for when they need and are able to benefit from tutoring.  We often get calls and emails from parents of pre-k and kindergarten students inquiring for help or insights about their child's math needs.  Typically, we offer helpful tips on things that parents can do at home to help move their child forward, especially when they are that young.  Still, there are times when it is appropriate.  

Most of the time, the 3rd grade year of school is where many problems begin to show up often enough that parents reach out to us for help.  Multiplication is often taught in this grade along with 3 and 4 digit addition and subtraction, regrouping, etc.  The most appropriate way to determine if your child is of appropriate age to start tutoring is to give us a call at 678-825-4776 here at Advanced Proficient Learning.

Does tutoring really help kids?

For most kids, this is a resounding YES.  Tutoring really does help kids and in multiple ways.  The most obvious one is the increase in classroom performance.  But how in fact do we get there?

A great tutor can help kids rapidly boost their confidence.  This plays a key role in their self esteem not only in their math class, but in other classes and at home.  This is where our expert trained and in tune tutors excel: building relationships and identifying the key weaknesses that must and can be fixed rapidly so that the child begins to believe.  We find ways to give them quick wins so that they will have the desire to dig in and do the heavy lifting when the time is required.

Tutoring can help kids in other ways as well.  With increased confidence and self esteem, the children participate more in class, become more open to sharing which increases their confidence even more and helps with their socialization at school in a positive healthy way.  We often see improvements in classroom behavior as well.

How do I know if my child needs a tutor?

One of the surest ways to know if your child needs a tutor is a decrease in class scores.  Unfortunately, if this is a major test, that can be getting dangerously close to too late.  This is why we encourage parents to be proactive in their conversations and interactions with their child's teachers.  How is the child doing in individual in class assignments?  Group assignments?  Are they able to complete or almost complete most of their homework by themselves?  If not, you probably need to contact a professional to determine if now if the right time to make sure that they don't fall too far behind.

How to find free or low cost tutoring for kids.

Our individual tutoring is a proven, premium product that offers rapid results math tutoring for kids.  But....I get it.  Not everyone can afford the premium services, even if they know how valuable it is.  We do offer many free and helpful resources here at Advanced Proficient Learning, including our youtube channel and ever growing content on our website which you can access here.

We also have several options involving low cost tutoring for kids.  We offer small group tutoring for kids at rates as low as $18 per session.  Our large group offerings can be found for as low as $12 per session when available.  If you missed out, make sure that you sign up for our mailing list to get discounts and early opportunities to take advantage of our low cost tutoring for kids.

At home or online tutoring for kids

When results and convenience matter, our tutors are here to serve at home or online.  Our at home service offerings are limited.  Please reach out if you are unsure of in home tutoring options.  

Many parents have been truthfully amazed at how well online tutoring for kids work if you have the right tutor that's trained to interact, engage and rapidly move the child forward.  We offer the same money back guarantee of improvement for our online or in person tutoring options.  

Ready to increase your child's grades and confidence? Advanced Proficient Learning is the best place for nurturing your child.   Book a session now!

Tutoring for kids near me

Are you looking for a local tutoring for kids?  We offer the best tutoring services for kids looking to quickly improve their math scores.  We have local, private and online tutors ready to assist.  Book a session now to help your child immediately!
